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Best Sex Ever:  The fur goes this way

series:  Best Sex Ever  ::  author:  Colden Thorne  ::  date:  July 30th, 2013  ::  home
Fur is a great analogy to describe sex direction.
By using mental imagery the female can secretly tell her lover where to move his hand.  In this sense, her secret pathway is guiding the male's actions.
With this article, the author challenges the Course initiate to be conscious of sex direction.  The male is to initiate contact and move his free hand in a specific direction; meanwhile, the female is to utilize her negative space to facilitate the movement.  Her negative space explanation is:  the fur goes this way.

the post-coital notch

The male places his chin and face in the post-coital notch, the area between the female’s breast and shoulder.  He places his palm to the female’s midsection.  Subsequently, his palm should then slide smoothly over the female’s soft skin.  In this sense, visualize a roller ball attached to the end of the middle finger.  Slide the hand down the female’s body and extend the movement until it terminates on her opposite-side leg.

Use your negative space and your imagination

The male explains to the female that she should enhance the motion by pretending that the gain of her skin has fur.  After the male has completely extended his arm, the female’s fur should have the gain going in the direction of the motion.  He returns his action along the direct path.  This time, the male and female act as if the fur has ruffled underneath the return action.  In accordance with this, the exercise displays that the love stroke has a directional feeling or grain.  Furthermore, the female now has a way to place direction within her negative space.  The male will naturally discover the lay of the female’s grain and moves accordingly.

Create the negative space to receive a kiss

Two more advanced techniques are added to this post.  The female will attempt to use her negative space to initiate a desired reply.  She uses the muscle and skin underneath the male’s face to push his chin down.  Simultaneously she creates a hollow rounded space.  For some reason the male complies with the negative space command and kisses.

The next technique has both previous techniques working together.  The female will direct the male’s lips toward her breast, and once they are there, she uses her negative space to receive the desired action—a kiss.

Who kissed whom?

The powerful use of negative space displays clearly that the female initiated both kisses within the text.  Like a photo negative, every motion within the Course has learned negative space.  The male or female can instantaneously redirect the flow of the Course with subtle movements.  Could you imagine having hundreds of these subtle moves to enhance your love play?  Well, that's exactly what The Of Course is:  hundreds of learned negative space moves—my moves!

No rules, no limits

Your course it quite literally without boundaries.  What you build today can be torn down and rebuilt.  This is one of the most powerful pages within the Best Sex Ever series.  Negative space and stroke direction and tension can have infinite possibilities.

I'm in charge of my sex life, and nobody else

People are cruel, especially about sex.  Woman after woman has told me that they are good at sex; afterwards, they look me in the eye and want an honest answer.  They can see how large my negative space is and they wonder how it got so big.  First, I started with a basic sex course called The Of Course.  Next, I was honest with myself and tried to get better with each new Course.  Last, it is my duty to deliver a skilled Course, my reputation depends upon it.

The Of Course is the best thing to ever happen to me, and it is my pleasure sharing it with you.

The Of Course is now available at Amazon:  to go to Colden Thorne's author page, click here.

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